41 research outputs found

    How hard is it to verify flat affine counter systems with the finite monoid property ?

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    We study several decision problems for counter systems with guards defined by convex polyhedra and updates defined by affine transformations. In general, the reachability problem is undecidable for such systems. Decidability can be achieved by imposing two restrictions: (i) the control structure of the counter system is flat, meaning that nested loops are forbidden, and (ii) the set of matrix powers is finite, for any affine update matrix in the system. We provide tight complexity bounds for several decision problems of such systems, by proving that reachability and model checking for Past Linear Temporal Logic are complete for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy ÎŁ2P\Sigma^P_2, while model checking for First Order Logic is PSPACE-complete

    ATLsc with partial observation

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    Alternating-time temporal logic with strategy contexts (ATLsc) is a powerful formalism for expressing properties of multi-agent systems: it extends CTL with strategy quantifiers, offering a convenient way of expressing both collaboration and antagonism between several agents. Incomplete observation of the state space is a desirable feature in such a framework, but it quickly leads to undecidable verification problems. In this paper, we prove that uniform incomplete observation (where all players have the same observation) preserves decidability of the model-checking problem, even for very expressive logics such as ATLsc.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2015, arXiv:1509.0685

    Deciding the Existence of Cut-Off in Parameterized Rendez-Vous Networks

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    We study networks of processes which all execute the same finite-state protocol and communicate thanks to a rendez-vous mechanism. Given a protocol, we are interested in checking whether there exists a number, called a cut-off, such that in any networks with a bigger number of participants, there is an execution where all the entities end in some final states. We provide decidability and complexity results of this problem under various assumptions, such as absence/presence of a leader or symmetric/asymmetric rendez-vous

    The Complexity of Flat Freeze LTL

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    We consider the model-checking problem for freeze LTL on one-counter automata (OCAs). Freeze LTL extends LTL with the freeze quantifier, which allows one to store different counter values of a run in registers so that they can be compared with one another. As the model-checking problem is undecidable in general, we focus on the flat fragment of freeze LTL, in which the usage of the freeze quantifier is restricted. Recently, Lechner et al. showed that model checking for flat freeze LTL on OCAs with binary encoding of counter updates is decidable and in 2NEXPTIME. In this paper, we prove that the problem is, in fact, NEXPTIME-complete no matter whether counter updates are encoded in unary or binary. Like Lechner et al., we rely on a reduction to the reachability problem in OCAs with parameterized tests (OCAPs). The new aspect is that we simulate OCAPs by alternating two-way automata over words. This implies an exponential upper bound on the parameter values that we exploit towards an NP algorithm for reachability in OCAPs with unary updates. We obtain our main result as a corollary

    Safety Analysis of Parameterised Networks with Non-Blocking Rendez-Vous

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    We consider networks of processes that all execute the same finite-state protocol and communicate via a rendez-vous mechanism. When a process requests a rendez-vous, another process can respond to it and they both change their control states accordingly. We focus here on a specific semantics, called non-blocking, where the process requesting a rendez-vous can change its state even if no process can respond to it. In this context, we study the parameterised coverability problem of a configuration, which consists in determining whether there is an initial number of processes and an execution allowing to reach a configuration bigger than a given one. We show that this problem is EXPSPACE-complete and can be solved in polynomial time if the protocol is partitioned into two sets of states, the states from which a process can request a rendez-vous and the ones from which it can answer one. We also prove that the problem of the existence of an execution bringing all the processes in a final state is undecidable in our context. These two problems can be solved in polynomial time with the classical rendez-vous semantics

    Local First-Order Logic with Two Data Values

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    We study first-order logic over unordered structures whose elements carry two data values from an infinite domain. Data values can be compared wrt. equality so that the formalism is suitable to specify the input-output behavior of various distributed algorithms. As the logic is undecidable in general, we introduce a family of local fragments that restrict quantification to neighborhoods of a given reference point. Our main result establishes decidability of the satisfiability problem for one of these non-trivial local fragments. On the other hand, already slightly more general local logics turn out to be undecidable. Altogether, we draw a landscape of formalisms that are suitable for the specification of systems with data and open up new avenues for future research

    On the Complexity of Parameterized Reachability in Reconfigurable Broadcast Networks

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    We investigate the impact of dynamic topology reconfiguration on the complexity of verification problems for models of protocols with broadcast communication. We first consider reachability of a configuration with a given set of control states and show that parameterized verification is decidable with polynomial time complexity. We then move to richer queries and show how the complexity changes when considering properties with negation or cardinality constraints

    Reachability in Networks of Register Protocols under Stochastic Schedulers

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    We study the almost-sure reachability problem in a distributed system obtained as the asynchronous composition of N copies (called processes) of the same automaton (called protocol), that can communicate via a shared register with finite domain. The automaton has two types of transitions: write-transitions update the value of the register, while read-transitions move to a new state depending on the content of the register. Non-determinism is resolved by a stochastic scheduler. Given a protocol, we focus on almost-sure reachability of a target state by one of the processes. The answer to this problem naturally depends on the number N of processes. However, we prove that our setting has a cut-off property: the answer to the almost-sure reachability problem is constant when N is large enough; we then develop an EXPSPACE algorithm deciding whether this constant answer is positive or negative

    Model-Checking Counting Temporal Logics on Flat Structures

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    We study several extensions of linear-time and computation-tree temporal logics with quantifiers that allow for counting how often certain properties hold. For most of these extensions, the model-checking problem is undecidable, but we show that decidability can be recovered by considering flat Kripke structures where each state belongs to at most one simple loop. Most decision procedures are based on results on (flat) counter systems where counters are used to implement the evaluation of counting operators